Tag: free online dietitian

Tag: free online dietitian

Online Nutritionists for Improved Health

You are what you eat

This is an old saying which reflects on the importance of nutrition very well.

With fast paced lives and the abundance of information AND misinformation on the internet, it’s very difficult to distinguish wrong from right.

Ulcerative Proctitis vs. Ulcerative Colitis: What Are the Differences?

Living with a chronic disease diagnosis can be scary. But learning about the illness and the management of the symptoms will aid you to lead a wellness path. A layman could easily be confused between Ulcerative Proctitis and Ulcerative Colitis, whenever they think about colon inflammation. But they differ in various ways.
Read on to know how these two differ and how to manage them both. We hope we can help you with information and resources to get you feeling better physically and emotionally.

Chronic Gastritis : What Is It, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and More

Gastritis is a condition that is used to refer to inflammation of the stomach lining. It is a progressive condition that progresses gradually, step-wise. This means a patient suffering from chronic gastritis may experience worsening conditions over a few years or decades.
Chronic Gastritis, in the majority of instances, is symptomatic of several conditions pertaining to the gastrointestinal tract. However, it may occur as a stand-alone condition that affects the body in several different ways.