One of the most common diseases in the world of geriatrics is diverticulitis. It is estimated that over 35 percent of people over the age of 50 suffer from it. Diverticulitis is characterized by the formation of small pouches in the digestive tract, especially in the lower abdomen region such as the large intestine or the colon. When these pouches are formed the condition is known as diverticulosis. Due to the accumulation of stool, blockages, or tearing, they tend to become inflamed and infected. This leads to a condition known as diverticulitis.
If you are looking to Heal or cure diverticulitis naturally, check the causes, symptoms, and other details.
What causes Diverticulitis?
Studies suggest there is an increase in the number of elders who suffer from this disease because of modern lifestyles and eating habits. Most diets these days lack sufficient fibers and nutrients that are essential for the smooth functioning of the digestive tract. This is thought to be the leading cause of Diverticulitis.
Dietary fibers are known to soften stool and make the movement of stool in the colon easier. Due to the added pressure of passing stool with insufficient fiber, the weak outer layer of the colon gives way to the inner layer, which squeezes through, forming the diverticula.
While there is a lack of clear clinical evidence, the correlation of diverticulitis with low dietary fiber intake has been backed by the fact that in countries where the dietary intake is large, such as Africa and South Asia, this disease is fairly uncommon as compared to North America.
What Diverticulitis Symptoms?
Diverticulitis symptoms are common with digestive tract disorders such as Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis which also causes inflammation in the colon. These are signs of diverticulitis that indicate you need to visit a doctor-
Pain in your left abdomen, which resembles a cramp and goes away when you pass gas or stool.
Blood in your stool
Nausea and vomiting
Constipation or diarrhea
Abdominal tenderness
Painful stool
Diverticulitis v/s Digestive Disorders:
One of the most important aspects of treating diverticulitis is the correct diagnosis of the condition. As mentioned above, the symptoms of this disease are very similar to the symptoms that are caused by other digestive tract disorders such as Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis. Here are the major differences between all these ailments and how they are diagnosed-
Crohn’s disease is characterized by transmural inflammation of any part of the digestive tract. This means that the entire wall of the organ in question will be affected by the disease. Crohn’s disease is not limited to a single layer of the lining.
Ulcerative Colitis is characterized by the mucosal inflammation of the rectum. The inflammation may spread to other parts of the body, but Ulcerative Colitis is known to affect only the inner mucosal lining of the organ.
Diverticulitis, on the other hand, is peridiverticular. Which means it affects selected parts of your colon or digestive tract where the diverticula are formed.
Several methods can be used to diagnose these conditions-
Colonoscopy- this is used to observe the GI tract
Stool Test- sample of the stool is tested to check for infections
Pelvic Exam- to rule out gynecological reasons for the symptoms
Blood Tests- to determine of there is an infection, Kidney issues or Anemia
What Diverticulitis Diet?
One of the most effective ways of treating diverticulitis is to make sure you give your digestive tract the break that it needs. Some foods such as foods rich in fats, processed food and fast food take more time and effort to be digested. These tend to aggravate diverticulitis symptoms. Foods that are difficult to digest lack fiber, are high in fats, and are oily such as red meat, cheese, fast food, fried snacks are the diverticulitis foods to avoid in order to make sure you can treat it effectively.
It is also important to note that smoking and drinking tend to affect the natural balance of the body and you should avoid it if you are suffering from the disease. Other substances such as caffeine may make inflammation or infection worse.
It is important to stick to a naturally sourced diet which includes fresh food products such as fruits and vegetables. They can be consumed in the form of smoothies for fruits and lightly steamed vegetables. Eating foods that are soft and mainly composed of soluble fibers will help soothe the inflamed tissues of the bowel. Too much heat and cooking of food tend to destroy the nutrients present in it. This is why a plant-based diet with a low amount of cooked dishes is the best diverticulitis diet to follow.
High Carb health has been helping various clients achieve better digestive health by helping them adapt to a plant-based diet which is easy on the stomach and gut and helps restore the natural balance of your internal system. This helps cure diverticulitis and other digestive disorders such as Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
With this information and the necessary preventive measures, you will be able to heal your diverticulitis naturally. If you are not able to take the plunge and plan diverticulitis friendly meals and are not able to defeat your disease, you can always contact High Carb Health to get the right guidance and the most effective way to treat the disease.
Carol Searle Testimonial:Success Story of Diverticulitis Healed Naturally
High Carb Health boasts numerous success stories where we have helped people overcome their diverticulitis, Ulcerative Colitis symptoms and reduce the frequency of flares by making lifestyle changes and following a plant-based diet. For more information, you can reach out to us at or take a benefit of our 30-minute consultation.
Note: High Carb Health helps people to heal diseases. We however do NOT take any guarantee whatsoever to CURE their ailment.