Crohn’s Testimonial: Steve Heals Crohn’s disease on a Plant-based diet

Crohn's Testimonial Steve Heals Crohn's disease on a Plant-based diet

Steve suffered from digestive issues for 20 years until he got diagnosed with Crohn’s disease 2-3 years ago. He initially got diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis but then the doctors changed it to Crohn’s disease. His doctors left him with no solution but medications for life and nothing to do with diet or lifestyle.

He was left searching for answers until one day his wife found us on YouTube and the rest is history! Steve is now doing so well 6 months after he finished working with us so he has been plant-based diet for 1 year now and is feeling the best he has ever felt in his life.

Listen to what he has to say about his healing journey and how happy he and his family are now after countless years of searching and drug use which was not a solution to healing.

Shamiz Kachwalla

Shamiz Kachwalla is a Certified Wholistic Health & Natural Healing Counsellor from the Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy. He coaches people to live a healthier lifestyle and has had first hand experience on how to overcome the disease through a plant based diet.