Success Story: Kate McCullough, Digestive Pain & Discomfort

Kate McCullough - Heal digestive pain

It all started in early 2015 when about once a month I would get really bad diarrhea and stomach pains. I thought I might be gluten intolerant so I went gluten-free for months with still no improvement. I decided to be extra sure I wasn’t allergic to gluten by going to the doctor in July 2015 to get an allergy test for gluten, but it came back negative. The doctors had no idea why I had all this stomach pain and did not know how to help me. So all year my digestion was just not right and the number of times I was getting diarrhea and stomach pains just kept increasing until January 2016 when it got really bad. I was going to the toilet 5-6 times a day, every day, I had the worst stomach pains every time I ate and I had no idea what was going on. I went to the doctors again to try to find an answer and then sent me to get some blood tests and stool tests which all came back fine so I had no more answers as to what was causing my digestives issues.

What is Ulcerative Colitis - High Carb Health
After suffering for a month of this I decided I needed to try to get some other help, so I and saw an Ayurveda consultant, who put me on a strict diet and told me to cut out a lot of foods and mainly eat cooked foods including lots of rice, lentils/dhal, and cooked vegetables and to only have 1 piece of fruit a day which had to be cooked. I found this very difficult to follow but I was determined to get better so followed what she said. But I only got worst, the stomach pains increased, my bowel movements increased, I felt so tired and low on energy all the time I just didn’t know what to do anymore. My body was clearly telling me that it was not happy eating this way and something need to change.

Then I met Shukul Kachwalla at a vegan potluck in Auckland and found out he had a nutrition workshop coming up in a week and I knew I just had to go. I went to the workshop run by him and his brother and learned an incredible amount of knowledge and took everything they said on board and left with the confidence they could help me get better. I followed what they said, which was mainly raw till 4, as many raw fruits and vegetables as I desired during the day, and cooked vegetables/starches for dinner, while avoiding grains to really give my digestions a break. Just after doing this for 2 weeks, everything had changed. I had no more stomach pains, I was only going to the toilet 1-2 times a day, I had all my energy back and I felt like a new person again.

It’s amazing how just simply eating how our bodies are really designed to everything just naturally falls back into place. I can pretty much eat everything now with no problem, but still feel my best eating as much raw fruits and vegetables as I wish, while limiting the number of legumes and high fatty foods. I will treasure the knowledge they taught me forever and know they will always be willing to help me if I had any more issues.

So I just wanted to say thank you so so so much Shukul and Shamiz for sharing your knowledge with me and helping me turn my life around for the better, I am forever thankful for what you guys do to help me and so many other people like me. If anyone is having any sort of digestive issue or just wants to know how to live a happier healthier life I definitely recommenced High Carb Health!!!

Thanks again for all your help.

– Kate

Shukul Kachwalla

Shukul Kachwalla is a Certified Wholistic Health & Natural Healing Counsellor from the Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy. Shukul has recovered from severe Hayfever, Acne, and Chronic Migraines and recommends a Whole Foods Plant based diet to people who want to improve their quality of life and experience optimal health.